Simple Multi-track Loop Sequencer for Minimal Music Using a Standard Gamepad


We developed a multi-track loop sequencer, which generates minimal music using a standard gamepad. This sequencer has multiple melody parts of an analog software synthesizer and a drum part. A player can play minimal music of short reiterative loops with a simple operation using some buttons and analog handles on the gamepad. For a novice who has no experience of playing a musical instrument, it is easy to learn how to play instantly and enjoy performing music with intuitive operation like a video game. Our system is used for musical instruments for live performance and interactive music entertainment.

"; // echo "

"; // echo 'Kuhara Laboratory
'; // echo "Department of Media Art, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University
"; // echo "1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0297, JAPAN

"; ?>
Last Modified : "; //print date("H:i:s M d Y, ", filemtime(__FILE__) ); //echo "Access Count : "; // ログファイル $countlog = "./log/count.dat"; // データを読む list($count) = @file($countlog); $count = trim($count); // カウンタを1つ増やして表示 $count++; // print "$count"; // カウンタを保存 $fp = @fopen($countlog, "w"); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fputs($fp, $count, strlen($count)); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); //echo ""; //echo "

"; include "log.php"; ?>