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竹田の子守唄 ( Takeda Lullaby ) : 作者不詳 ( Unknown author )
Y.クハラ ,Yasuo,Kuhara, 2006 / 登録:2006-05-28 22:55:32, #230
民族 World, 総DL数 7449, コメント数 1382


No ID contents author type byte upload date DL数 補足情報
1.Download 932 Remix 2007 K.ツジ mp3 3.3M 2008-12-13 06:28:50 1106 夏が近いのでDUBにのっけてみました。
ボーカル / K.ツジ,Y.スズキ,K.スナ
録音 /K.スナ S.ニシダ
Track、編集/ S.トリイ
2.Download 931 Remix 2007 T.ヨシタケ mp3 2.6M 2008-12-13 06:22:14 1131 テクノ・ポップ・ダンス・コモリウタ
3.Download 930 Remix 2007 Y.サクライ mp3 4.4M 2008-12-13 06:17:49 1230 ナチュラルテイスト製法にこだわりました。
4.Download 618 lyrics and chord Y.クハラ txt 631 2007-02-08 03:34:06 1267 京都府竹田地方の民謡
5.Download 480 Raw data Y.クハラ mp3 2.0M 2006-05-28 23:00:41 1331 vo&12st-gt: Y.クハラ
6.Download 479 physiological salt solution Y.クハラ mp3 2.0M 2006-05-28 23:00:41 1384 vo&12st-gt: Y.クハラ



1382 件のコメントがあります。

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“Lilly pulled a horseshoe from a pile of junk/ Said \'I’m gonna keep this good luck piece of iron inside my trunk/ The boy just whispered \'OK’ and grabbed his old black dog/ As we piled on in and cut out through late November fog”.
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Patrick Markee has said that any real attempt to take on these problems will involve the restoration of Section 8 and public-housing priority, creating a new rent-subsidy program, passing living-wage laws, and building more low-income and rent-supported housing. Given the un-success of Bloomberg’s homelessness policies, and the comparative authority the C.F.H. has gained thereby, its suggestions are likely to be more listened to. Joe Lhota, the Republican mayoral candidate, wants to amend Article XVII so that it limits the right to shelter to New York residents only; according to D.H.S. statistics, twenty-three per cent of shelter residents listed their previous dwelling as an out-of-state address.
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The three were charged with perjury, obstruction, endangering the welfare of children, failure to properly report suspected abuse and conspiracy. Those charges include allegations of hiding evidence from investigators and lying to the grand jury.
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While Russia\'s growth has recently shown signs of slowingdown amid falling oil and gas prices, economists say it stillprovides much-needed support for the small Finnish economy thatis running a current account deficit and is expected to contractin 2013 for the second year in a row.
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“Every time you win, it makes the next day that much more important, so we get to show up tomorrow and see if we can win a game,” Indians manager Terry Francona said. “We need to be one run better tomorrow and then we go from there.”
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“We cannot fully stop contaminated water leaks right away. That’s the reality. The water is still leaking in to the sea, and we should better assess its environmental impact,” Tanaka said in a speech in Tokyo.
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_ In Arizona, residents were allowed to return Tuesday to about 100 of the 200 homes evacuated due to a wildfire in Kearny, located 73 miles southeast of Phoenix. Officials reported 5 percent containment of the fire after it burned about 300 acres of dense vegetation and one house since it was sparked by lightning on Monday.
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Bricklin, who is best known for importing the low-cost Yugovehicle to the United States in the 1980s, said Gore usedproprietary information to help Chery launch a joint venture,Qoros Automobile Co, with investment firm Israel Corp.
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The question is, can Twitter pull off the same trick as Facebook and LinkedIn and succeed in making money from its vast army of committed users? Mr Gleeson said: "Twitter has a very strong platform with lots of users and great strength as a media outlet – many stories are now broken on Twitter. It also works well on mobile devices, which is ideal for many users.
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"But I've heard examples from across the country where employers appear to have made a deliberate decision not to provide training to local young people but to cut pay and conditions and to recruit from abroad instead, or to use tied accommodation and undercut the minimum wage."
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With the 101 shoppers, they gave them a series of problem-solving tests – for example, asking how they would handle a 5 percent salary cut, a 15 percent salary cut; or an emergency car repair costing either $150 or $1,500. With that in their heads, they were also given basic IQ and computer-based tests of focus and concentration.
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The funding standoff is a harbinger of the next big political battle: a far-more consequential bill to raise the federal government\'s borrowing authority. Failure to raise the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling by mid-October would force the United States to default on some payment obligations - an event that could cripple its economy and send shockwaves around the globe.
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His eldest child Marina, 47, was also pushing to avert acrisis which could misfire for Berlusconi and the $6.6 billionbusiness empire she now heads. Of his five children from twomarriages, only Pier Silvio, his 44-year-old son, was supportingthe position of the hawks, the source said.
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Young men with pistols tucked into their belts or rifles slung over their shoulders patrol the streets of the sprawling, impoverished swathe of the Iraqi capital, no longer trusting official security forces to keep Sadr City\'s three million people safe.
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"Instead of price freezes, which will lead to unsustainableloss-making retail businesses, the Labour Party should putpolicy costs into general taxation, taking them off energybills," SSE said in a statement.
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Democrats were the target of 713 jokes between January and June 2013, compared with 417 gags about Republicans, the study said. The only Republicans among the top 10 joke targets were former President George W. Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the CMPA said.
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DeJesus, playing his fifth game since the Rays got him in a trade with Washington, had two of the Rays\' eight hits and drove in his first run. Ben Zobrist also had two hits and an RBI.
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"Those kids sooner or later will go to U.S. schools, and the trip is an opportunity for them to get to know the U.S. and help them choose a university later," Beijing-based education consultant Yan Jiaqi said.
Wiley: 投稿日時:2020-01-10 01:44:33  #1565
I\'d like to send this to https://www.drugonsale.com/ kamagra A source working with Team A-Rod told the Daily News Monday that A-Rod’s investigative unit has received numerous tips, messages and letters regarding MLB’s investigators and their tactics, but that most of them have so far proved unfounded.
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Last modified : 2020/04/17 13:41:08